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Ciara O'Rourke
By Ciara O'Rourke June 21, 2024

No, this isn’t a real list of drugs found in Justin Timberlake’s bloodstream after a DWI arrest

If Your Time is short

  • This claim originated on a self-described satire page.

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated June 18, prompting both real and fake reporting on what happened after a police officer in Sag Harbor, New York, pulled over his car. 

"Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York," text over a 2023 photo of Timberlake says, referring to MDMA and a medication used to treat HIV.

"Make it make sense," a June 18 Facebook post sharing the photo said. "Why is he driving himself I don’t get these celebrities you want to drive yourself when you’re intoxicated but have someone chauffeur you while you sober."

A Threads post shared a screenshot of an X post with the same text and image. But the X account’s handle is suspicious: Poo Crave.

These posts were flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.)

The logo for Poo Crave resembles the logo for Pop Crave, a pop culture website.

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Poo Crave, however, describes itself as a satire page. 

"Spinning in a whirlwind of pop parody and chaos," its X bio says. "Plop into #PooCrave for all things te, drama and social media. #Satire."

The X post has since been deleted

We found no credible reporting to corroborate the claims in that X post or others that failed to attribute it as satire. The New York Times reported that an arrest report said Timberlake had "bloodshot and glassy" eyes and a "strong odor" of alcohol on his breath. 

Some information about his arrest is available. He refused to submit to an alcohol test, for example, and he was released later that day without bail, the Times said. But much is still unknown.   

Relying on publicly available information, records and reporting as of June 21, we rate claims that drugs including MDMA were found in Timberlake’s bloodstream following his June 21 arrest False.

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No, this isn’t a real list of drugs found in Justin Timberlake’s bloodstream after a DWI arrest

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