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Tracking the promises of John Kitzhaber

Block oil drilling off Oregon coast

Will not "let people drill for oil off the Oregon coast."

Make education funding stable

Will "make education funding stable."

Cut social services

"We will reduce the number of services we provide, reduce the number of individuals who get services, reduce what we pay people (like doctors and the hospitals who are providing the services) and change the way services are provide."

Require cost-benefit reports for every state program

Will require cost-benefit reports of every state program every year, the first would be due within 45 days of the election.

Establish Early Childhood Coordinating Council

Will "establish an Early Childhood Coordinating Council in the Governor’s Office. The Council would lead the way to align efforts, measure progress and ensure accountability, ensure efficiency in resources and maximize federal dollars for these efforts."

Create standards for child care and pre-school

Will create "uniform standards for early care and education programs, including workforce training to ensure Oregon’s early childhood professionals have sufficient training and consistent quality to prepare Oregon’s children for Kindergarten."

Link Pre-K and K-12 data systems

Will link "Pre-K and K-12 data systems, ensuring that we have access to superior data on outcomes."

Create teacher evaluation tool linked to student performance

Will create "a fair and meaningful teacher/administrator evaluation tool linked to student performance and growth."

Eliminate redundant standardized tests

Will restore "instructional time by eliminating redundant high-stakes standardized testing."

Create new "Oregon Diploma"

Will develop "a new Oregon high school diploma that means students are prepared to enroll in post-secondary education without remediation."

Guarantee two years of community college to those with new Oregon Diploma

Will guarantee "access to at least two years of community college or Oregon university education for students earning the Oregon Diploma."

Expand magnet schools

Will expand "the number of magnet high schools, especially in math and science, health care and environmental studies."

Shift state education funding to match student achievement

Will "shift state investments from enrollments to student performance and other expected results, guided by the goal of '40-40-20' and focusing instruction on student achievement."

Guarantee transfer credit between higher ed institutions

Will guarantee "transfer of credit among all Oregon public colleges and universities."

Attract more federal transit funds

Will "work with our Congressional delegation to attract more funds federally for investing in different transit options that best fit a community and working with business creatively to provide workers more flexibility to reduce their driving, work from home or adopt flex time to address congestion problems and enhance our quality of life.

Develop plan for energy and climate change

"We need a strategic climate and energy road map that lays out the practical steps to meet and implement that goal, and benchmarks against which to systematically and frequently measure our progress. During the course of my campaign, I will lay the groundwork for a strategic plan that integrates the state emission reduction goal, the Renewable Energy Standard, aggressive conservation and energy efficiency strategies, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and the Renewable Fuel Standard into a comprehensive state Energy and Climate Strategic Plan."

Integrate state policies related to climate change

"I will also create the authority to integrate all state policies and programs, such as transportation, energy, agriculture, land use planning and others, that have relevance to climate change and energy issues."

Establish national laboratory in Oregon

"I will pursue, along with our congressional delegation, the establishment of a National Laboratory in Oregon."

Simplify habitat restoration permit process

Will "simplify the existing complex and duplicative permit process for habitat restoration in a watershed by engaging all relevant parties in local decision-making."

Include carbon accounting in urban and suburban planning process

Will "include carbon accounting as a part of the urban and suburban planning process, thus driving the transformation to higher densities and a focus on transit systems."