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Our wildest and wackiest claims of 2009

No, dogs will not be covered under the Democrats' health care plan. No, dogs will not be covered under the Democrats' health care plan.

No, dogs will not be covered under the Democrats' health care plan.

Bill Adair
By Bill Adair December 31, 2009

To conclude our year-end coverage, we asked PolitiFact staffers to choose the silliest and most unusual Truth-O-Meter items of 2009. Their choices show how the political discourse got downright wacky in the past year:

Aaaaah-choooo! Vice President Biden said that when one passenger sneezes on a plane , "It goes all the way through the aircraft."

Will they transmit back to KAOS headquarters? A chain e-mail claimed people who opt for the public option in the Democrats' health care plan will have microchips implanted in their bodies .

Below the belt: Rush Limbaugh claimed that President Barack Obama wants to mandate circumcision .
Sarcasm you can dance to : Singer Paul Hipp used World Health Organization figures in a song mocking U.S. health care .

History repeats itself: Facing criticism that his policies will lead to socialism, President Barack Obama said President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was called a socialist, too .

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Picture not-quite-perfect : Bloggers said an aerial photo showed more than 1 million people attended the tea party rally in September, but the photo was taken at a 1997 Promise Keepers rally.

An epic work, but it lacks character development: Sen. Orrin Hatch claimed that the Senate health care bill is longer than Tolstoy's War and Peace .

Line 17, Guns. Include total from Schedule G, handgun and automatic weapons, if required : A chain e-mail claimed that you must list all your guns on your 2010 tax return.

Check your math : President Barack Obama claimed the United States was one of the world's largest Muslim countries .

He still hasn't found what he's looking for: U2 lead singer Bono mixed up figures about AIDS relief and foreign aid .

Woof woof! Glenn Beck claimed that the Democratic plan offered health insurance for dogs .

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Our wildest and wackiest claims of 2009