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We received 9,214 votes in our readers' poll. Here are the results:
The economic stimulus created "zero jobs." -- The National Republican Senatorial Committee and other Republicans 24% Abortion services are "well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does."- Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. 17% "Republicans voted to end Medicare." -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and other Democrats 16% Scientists are "questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change. … (It is) more and more being put into question." -- Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry 11% The vaccine to prevent HPV can cause mental retardation. -- Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann 10% President Obama "went around the world and apologized for America." -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney 8% "I didn't raise taxes once." -- President Barack Obama 6% Because of more restrictive voting laws, Republicans "want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws." -- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and head of the Democratic National Committee 4% Other (Suggestions varied widely: "Tax cuts for the top 2% create jobs!!! NOT!", "That he OBAMA IS NOT A MARXIST WHEN HE REALLY IS!", "All of the above", "every time that Pres. Obama opens his mouth", "Tax cuts and deregulation will create jobs - All of the GOP candidates.") 2% The Obama administration's review of obsolete regulations was "unprecedented." -- President Barack Obama 1% Congressional Republicans have introduced dozens of bills on social issues and other topics, but "zero on job creation." -- Facebook posts 1%
Our Sources
Reader poll.
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