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Promises about Transportation on Obameter

Help states and localities address sprawl

"Will work to provide states and local governments with the resources they need to address sprawl and create more livable communities."

Require energy conservation in use of transportation dollars

"Will require governors and local leaders in our metropolitan areas to make energy conservation a required part of their planning for the expenditure of federal transportation funds."

Seek more funding for transportation security

"The Bush administration has invested only a small fraction of the $6 billion that transportation officials have said is necessary to implement needed security improvements. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that this critical hole in our homeland security network must be addressed."

Seek more information sharing on security between feds and localities

"Will fight for greater information-sharing between national intelligence agents and local officials and provide local law enforcement agencies with the everyday tools they need to protect their transportation systems."

Invest $50 billion in auto manufacturing facilities for fuel efficient vehicles

Will provide "support to domestic automakers to invest $50 billion to retool their manufacturing facilities in America to produce [fuel efficient] vehicles."