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Promises about State Budget on Bob-O-Meter

Expand the Rainy Day Fund

"I will call for an increase in the allowable size of the Rainy Day Fund, to help buttress the Commonwealth against the difficult times that we must always be prepared for."

Eliminate budget gimmicks

"We will eliminate budget gimmicks."

Fund programs based on effectiveness

"Bob McDonnell will improve the budget system by implementing a budget process that rewards effective programs and allocates future spending based upon that effectiveness."

Increase funding for Virginia Teaching Scholarship Program

Over the course of the McDonnell administration, we will increase the amount of funding available for the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Program and set aside a portion of the funds specifically for STEM and career technical education shortage areas.

Increase classroom share of education spending

The McDonnell/Bolling administration will increase the state average for spending in the classroom by 4 percent over the course of their administration.

Dedicate 75 percent of surpluses to transportation

As governor, Bob McDonnell will dedicate 75 percent of annual budget surplus revenue to transportation needs (after constitutionally mandated deposits).