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As State of the State approaches, take our quiz on Walker ratings

Gov. Scott Walker, shown here in 2012, is set to deliver his annual State of the State speech. Gov. Scott Walker, shown here in 2012, is set to deliver his annual State of the State speech.

Gov. Scott Walker, shown here in 2012, is set to deliver his annual State of the State speech.

Tom Kertscher
By Tom Kertscher January 15, 2013

Ready for a quick quiz?

On Jan. 15, 2013, Gov. Scott Walker will give the annual State of the State speech.

Based on what the first-time Republican executive has said in recent months, we have an idea of what some of the themes likely will be.

So, if Walker does make some familiar claims, will you know how they were rated on the Truth-O-Meter?

Take our quiz on these Walker statements and find out.

(To make it harder for you to cheat, we’ll give you all the questions at the top and all the answers at the bottom.)


1. Did property taxes on a median-value home fall for first time in 12 years?

2. Is Wisconsin’s pension system the only one in the U.S. that’s 100% funded?

3. Has Wisconsin created just under 100,000 jobs since Walker took office?

4. Did 94 percent of employers say Wisconsin was heading in the right direction?

Bonus: How many jobs have been created toward Walker’s goal of 250,000 during his first term?


1. Mostly True: When we examined this claim in May 2012, the figures weren’t final, but the evidence indicated Walker was on target.

2. True: We found no other state even comes close.

3. Pants on Fire: Walker combined full and partial years of census jobs data, something even officials in his own administration have said is a no-no.

4. Half True: Walker failed to point out that the figure came from a small survey by one trade group and amounted to a sample that is not reflective of the overall makeup of businesses in the state.

Bonus: As of the end of November 2012, the number of jobs created was 37,011, according to our latest check of the 250,000 promise Walker made while running for governor.

By the way, here are two rundowns on how Walker has been scored by PolitiFact Wisconsin.


We’ve rated 70 statements by Walker, before he was elected governor and since.

All told, 20 percent of his claims have been rated True or Mostly True; 18 percent have been rated Half True; 43 percent, Mostly False or False; and 8 percent, Pants on Fire.

Here’s a rundown of each rating:

True: 7 (12%)

Mostly True: 5 (8%)

Half True: 11 (18%)

Mostly False: 12 (20%)

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False: 20 (33%)

Pants on Fire: 5 (8%)


We’re also tracking 65 Walker campaign promises on our Walk-O-Meter.

Here’s that scorecard:

Promise Kept: 24 (37%)

Compromise: 5 (8%)               

Promise Broken: 8 (12%)

Stalled: 3 (5%)        

In the Works: 11 (17%)

Not yet rated: 14 (22%)

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Truth-O-Meter items, as noted.

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More by Tom Kertscher

As State of the State approaches, take our quiz on Walker ratings