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Richardson led a successful effort to raise teacher pay, but we cannot give him a fully truthful ruling because he neglects to mention that he is mixing rankings from two sources.
The ranking of 46th is from the 2002-03 National Education Association survey of teacher pay. The newest NEA ranking, with 2004-05 statistics, only shows New Mexico has climbed to 40th. The New Mexico chapter of the NEA did its own estimate and concluded that the state now ranks 29th in teacher pay, but the local NEA chapter is run by Charles Bowyer, who identifies himself as a longtime Richardson supporter.
New Mexico Department of Labor, June 2007 Employment News Release
National Education Association, Average Salaries 2004-2005
New Mexico Governor's Office, Governor announces fourth year of tax cuts
Albuquerque Journal, "New Mexico Rising: The new jobs appearing in the state pay better than previous years", April 26, 2007
Interviews: Charles Bowyer, NEA-New Mexico; Sara Robertson, NEA; James Peach, New Mexico State University; Gabriel Sanchez, University of New Mexico; Lee Reynis, Director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of New Mexico, Gerry Bradley, NM Voices for Children.
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