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Robert Higgs
By Robert Higgs July 26, 2011

Funding for school vouchers doubled in new state budget

Gov. John Kasich has argued school choice is important, particularly for families who believe their local public schools aren"t getting the job done.

As a candidate, he pledged to be an advocate for school choice.
"I've been in cities where I've seen people stand in line to give their kids a chance to be safer and better educated. And the idea that we're going to deny them a chance to have choice; to put their kids where their kids can get the best education, in my opinion violates their civil rights. To me it's the biggest civil rights issue out there,” he told an audience at the City Club of Cleveland in July 2009. "The right of mothers and fathers to have the resources to put their kids in a school setting where their kids can learn and prosper.”
In the budget plan the governor unveiled in March, he proposed to greatly increase the funding for the state"s school vouchers program and lift the cap on the number of charter schools that can set up shop in a given academically troubled district.
As the budget moved through the General Assembly, those proposals were left intact.

The state budget for FY2012 (which began July 1, 2011) and FY2013 doubled the number of EdChoice vouchers available from 14,000 to 30,000 in the first year and doubled them again to 60,000 in the second year.

Funding for administration of voucher and charter school programs was doubled from $1 million in the last budget to $2.2 million in each of the next two years.

More charter schools also can be created because of changes in sponsorship rules, but the additional cost is not yet known because the funding is provided per pupil. Last year, charter schools got about $720 million and three different voucher programs got a total of more than $100 million.
Given those changes, we move the Kasich-O-Meter for this pledge to Promise Kept. 

Our Sources

John Kasich 2010, "John Kasich at The City Club of Cleveland," video of June 26, 2009, appearance posted to YouTube July 8, 2009
The Plain Dealer, "Gov. John Kasich says his 'jobs budget' is the most reform-minded in Ohio history” March 15, 2011
State of Ohio Office of Budget and Management, ”The Jobs Budget - Transforming Ohio for Growth, Book One: The Budget Book

Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Am.Sub. H.B. 153 (Budget in Detail) as enacted, July 6, 2011

The Plain Dealer, "Ohio Gov. John Kasich signs two-year state budget, but vetoes seven items first,” June 30, 2011

Robert Higgs
By Robert Higgs March 17, 2011

Kasich budget proposal would expand Ohio's school voucher program

During his campaign, Gov. John Kasich pledged to be an advocate for school choice. He was emphatic about it during an appearance at the City Club of Cleveland.

"I've been in cities where I've seen people stand in line to give their kids a chance to be safer and better educated. And the idea that we're going to deny them a chance to have choice; to put their kids where their kids can get the best education, in my opinion violates their civil rights. To me it's the biggest civil rights issue out there,” he told the audience in July 2009. "The right of mothers and fathers to have the resources to put their kids in a school setting where their kids can learn and prosper.”

The governor unveiled his budget plans for the next two fiscal years on March 15. In it Kasich takes steps toward expanding options for parents.

The budget proposal doubles the school vouchers program and lifts the cap on the number of charter schools that can set up shop in a given academically troubled district.

Funding for Community Schools and Choice Programs in the state budget would increase 120 percent for fiscal 2012 (which begins July 1, 2011), from $1 million in the current budget to $2.2 million. Another $2.2 million would be budgeted for it in FY 2013.

Kasich has gotten ball rolling on this promise. His proposals now move to the General Assembly, where legislators will decide whether to put his plan into action.

But based on his budget proposal, we move the Kasich-O- Meter for this promise to In the Works.


Our Sources

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