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Search results for "Alpha, Inc., markets “Beta Calling,” a Voice over Internet Protocol service. Colorado State Agency concludes that Beta is a phone service and orders Alpha to pay state phone taxes. Alpha files a suit against Colorado to stop the order. According to the court in Vonage Holdings Corp. v. Minnesota Public Utilities CommissionLinks to an external site., federal policy is to"

Fact-checks (24959)

Sam Stein stated on October 21, 2013 in an interview on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe':
By Katie Sanders October 22, 2013
Facebook posts stated on August 13, 2021 in a Facebook post:
By Gabrielle Settles August 25, 2021
Viral image stated on August 07, 2021 in a viral image:
By Tom Kertscher August 10, 2021
Viral image stated on November 19, 2019 in a Facebook post:
By Samantha Putterman November 20, 2019
Viral image stated on July 31, 2021 in a Facebook post:
By Ciara O'Rourke August 6, 2021
Debra Medina stated on January 27, 2010 in an e-mail.:
By Ciara O'Rourke February 2, 2010
Facebook posts stated on December 04, 2021 in a Facebook post:
By Samantha Putterman December 17, 2021
Marco Rubio stated on February 02, 2016 in an interview in Bow, N.H.:
By Jonathan Van Fleet February 7, 2016
Terry McAuliffe stated on May 08, 2013 in an interview.:
By Nancy Madsen June 14, 2013
Kamala Harris stated on July 06, 2024 in a moderated conversation:
By Samantha Putterman July 11, 2024
Mike Lee stated on February 16, 2015 in an email through Protect Internet Freedom:
By Lauren Carroll February 26, 2015

Articles (7834)

Fact-checking Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman

By Manuela Tobias August 30, 2018

What is net neutrality?

By Lauren Carroll November 13, 2014

What we know about the NSA surveillance program

By Katie Sanders April 30, 2014

No rating reached on claim about Adan Ballesteros and "cocaine blood money"

By Meghan Ashford-Grooms, W. Gardner Selby June 25, 2012